European Network for Assuring Food Integrity Using Non-destructive Spectral Sensors

Creative Commons License

Hastaoğlu E.

TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi , 2020 - 2024

  • Proje Türü: TÜBİTAK - AB COST Projesi
  • Başlama Tarihi: Ekim 2020
  • Bitiş Tarihi: Ekim 2024

Proje Özeti

SensorFINT Cost Action has achieved its main objective related to the creation of a multidisciplinary group of experts in non-destructive spectral sensors, with the different activities developed in the framework of the Action life, in order to promote that all participants had the opportunity to share ideas, knowledge, challenges and reflections on the present and future key role of non-destructive spectral sensors for the innovation of control and monitoring systems for food integrity assessment. Key aspects have been the collaborations between academia and industry to address the challenges from different perspectives, allowing the alignment of scientific progress and industrial needs. The SensorFINT community has worked very hard to expand the network, spread the word about the importance of non-destructive spectral sensors in the food industry and, in particular, its efforts have focused on training new young researchers in this emerging field and providing opportunities for the participation of teams from less research-intensive countries across Europe, promoting their inclusion through the exchange of new NDSS knowledge generated by other European and international partners with more advanced research. The SensorFINT network believes that capacity building is the best way to promote the development and transfer of emerging technologies and to generate scientific, technological and socio-economic impacts. Thus, the action has provided well-trained young researchers in innovative and emerging technologies for food integrity and process control through a comprehensive programme of exchanges, workshops and training schools. The action has also contributed to the implementation of a new culture and demand in the field of food integrity and process control based on spectral sensors, in line with the digital transformation revolution in the food sector and Industry 4.0 concepts, providing industry with a cost-effective solution, creating opportunities for European high-tech SMEs in this field and promoting open innovation.