Explanation of morphological and biochemical diversity of autochthonous grapes grown in Türkiye (Kelkit Basin) using multivariate analysis

Sümbül A., Yıldız E.

Turkish Journal of Food and Agriculture Sciences, cilt.6, sa.2, ss.160-172, 2024 (Hakemli Dergi)


Grapes are widely grown around the world thanks to their different uses andnutritional importance. The demand for grapes is changing day by day in linewith consumer preferences. This situation reveals the importance ofidentifying and protecting autochthonous grape varieties. This study wascarried out to evaluate the morphological and biochemical characteristics of apreviously unexplored autochthonous grape (Vitis vinifera) population usingmultivariate analyses. Morphological and biochemical characteristics wereevaluated using principal component analysis (PCA), correlation analysisand hierarchical clustering analysis based on Ward's method. In the study,bunch weight varied between 71.67 g and 554.17 g, berry weight variedbetween 1.54 g and 10.98 g, and the number of seeds in berries variedbetween 0.00 and 3.50. Among the biochemical properties, total antioxidantcontent varied between 10.12% and 91.75%, total phenolic content variedbetween 123.77 mg 100 g-1 and 664.58 mg 100 g-1, total flavonoid contentvaried between 16.48 mg 100 g-1 and 270.92 mg 100 g-1 and total anthocyanincontent varied between 3.35 mg 100 g-1 and 74.42 mg 100 g-1. The coefficientof variation (CV) among the characteristics examined ranged from 5.16% to102.58%. As a result of PCA, the first two components explained 43.43% ofthe variation. The autochthonous grapes examined were divided into twomain groups with different sub -clusters as a result of hierarchical clusteringanalysis. As a result of multivariate analysis, was detected significantvariation among autochthonous grapes. The variations obtained show thatthe germplasm examined will be a valuable genetic resource for future grapebreeding.