The measurement of the top-quark anomalous electromagnetic couplings is one of the most important goals of the top-quark physics program in present and future collider experiments and would provide direct information on the non-standard interactions of the top quark. We study a top-quark pair production scenario at the Future Circular Collider Hadron-Electron (FCC-he) through e-p -> e-gamma*gamma*p -> e-tt over bar p collisions, which will provide information on limits of anomalous aV couplings at 95% CL, as well as create the possibility of probing new physics. Energy of the e(-) beams is taken to be Ee=250 GeV and 500 GeV, and the energy of the p beams is considered to be Ep=50 TeV. With these energies the FCC-he can measure the dipole moments of the top quark aV with limits of the order O(10-2-10-1).