The purpose of this study is to identify map literacy levels of elementary school teacher candidates and examine the impact of various variables on the dimensions that form map literacy. This study was carried out using survey model on 243 teacher candidates, who were sophomores studying at elementary teaching department of faculty of education during the academic year 2015-2016. The results of the study indicated that map literacy levels of the teacher candidates were low, while the ability to use maps in processing, reading and interpreting maps, drawing maps and using maps were of the average level. When the impact of various variables on map literacy of elementary school teacher candidates was examined, it was found that there was a statistically significant difference between males and females in drawing maps and using them in favour of the former. No significant differences were found between males and females in other dimensions. However, with respect to the frequency of map use, a statistically significant difference was found between more frequent users and less frequent ones in terms of reading maps and interpreting them, drawing maps, and the map literacy scores, calculated using all dimensions, in favour of more frequent users. Similarly, with respect to being interested in geography, there was a statistically significant difference between the teacher candidates who are interested in geography and those who are not, in terms of using maps in processing, reading and interpreting maps, the ability to draw maps and the map literacy score in favour of the former.