Expected sensitivity on the anomalous quartic neutral gauge couplings in γγ collisions at the CLIC

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Gutiérrez-Rodríguez A., Gurkanli E., KÖKSAL M., ARI V., Hernández-Ruíz M.

European Physical Journal Plus, vol.138, no.12, 2023 (SCI-Expanded) identifier


The non-Abelian gauge structure of the Standard Model (SM) implies the presence of multi-boson self-interactions. Precise measurements of these interactions allow testing the nature of the SM and new physics contributions arising from the beyond SM. The investigation of these interactions can be approached in a model-independent manner using an effective theory approach, which forms the main motivation of this study. In this paper, we examine the anomalous neutral quartic gauge couplings through the process γγ→ ZZ at the Compact Linear Collider with the center-of-mass energy of s=3 TeV and integrated luminosity of L= 5 a b- 1 . The anomalous neutral quartic gauge couplings are implemented into FeynRules to generate a UFO module inserted into Madgraph to create background and signal events. These events are passed through Pythia 8 for parton showering and Delphes to include realistic detector effects. We obtain that the sensitivities on the anomalous quartic neutral gauge couplings with 95 % Confidence Level are given as: fT/ Λ 4= [- 1.06 ; 1.08] × 10 - 3TeV - 4 , fT1/ Λ 4= [- 1.06 ; 1.08] × 10 - 3TeV - 4 , fT2/ Λ 4= [- 1.06 ; 1.08] × 10 - 3TeV - 4 , fT/ Λ 4= [- 1.06 ; 1.08] × 10 - 3TeV - 4 , fT5/ Λ 4= [- 4.08 ; 4.08] × 10 - 4TeV - 4 and fT8/ Λ 4= [- 1.10 ; 1.10] × 10 - 4TeV - 4 . Our results on the anomalous quartic neutral gauge couplings are set to a more stringent sensitivity concerning the recent experimental limits.