As in every part
of the world, urbanization and environmental pollution are among the biggest
problems of our country. These problems can be listed as air, water, soil,
noise and visual pollution, as well as global warming, destruction of flora and
fauna, disruption of ecological balance, and solid waste
According to the
1982 Constitution, local government units in our country; special provincial
administration, municipalities (metropolitan, provincial, district, town
municipalities) and villages. Dealing with the city's infrastructure; Tasks
such as water distribution, network distribution, sewerage, urban roads,
natural gas distribution, garbage collection, cleaning of roads, fire services,
police services, street and street cleaning and protection of public health are
among the basic duties of local governments. In addition, according to the Air
Quality Assessment and Management Regulation; Metropolitan municipalities and
other relevant institutions and organizations take measures to ensure
compliance; in the preparation of action plans and clean air plans; in the
transmission of information and reports; It is known that he is obliged to
cooperate and contribute
In people living
in urban areas where air pollution is intense and continuous, as well as
respiratory, skin, eye and nerve diseases; It has also been observed that it
increases the risk of various chronic diseases, from cough to bronchitis, from
heart diseases to cancer.
Air quality is
decreasing due to the increase in air pollution, and efforts are being made to
eliminate air pollution through regulations made at local, regional, national
and global scales. In this sense, laws are passed, various organizations are
established, and economic and educational measures are taken for a cleaner air.
In recent years,
the improvement in air quality has begun to be clearly seen due to the
regulations made at local, regional, national and global scales. One of the
most important reasons for this is the regulations to prevent air pollution,
the circulars published by the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and
Climate Change for the prevention and control of air pollution, and the
decisions taken by local environmental boards are also important regulations.
In the study, the studies carried out and the results
obtained in line with the "Clean Air Action Plan (CAAP)" for the
years 2014-2019, created by relevant institutions and organizations under the
coordination of the Sivas Provincial Directorate of Environment, Urbanization
and Climate Change, in line with the laws established within the scope of
combating air pollution in Sivas province, were examined. As a result of the
studies carried out in accordance with the clean air action plan in Sivas
Province, it has been observed that there have been serious improvements in air
pollution. When the air quality
values in 2017, the year the studies started, are compared with the annual
average measurement results in 2020; While the PM10 value at the
Meteorology Station was 53.10, it was measured as 41.73 in 2020, the SO2
value at the Başöğretmen Station was 28.00 and 14.33, and the NOX
value at the İstasyon Kavşağı Station was 79.64 and 65.25.
Key words: Air quality,
Air pollution, Local governments,