33rd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance, OTO 2024, Osijek, Hırvatistan, 12 Aralık 2024, cilt.1242 LNNS, ss.390-406
The foundations of high-rise buildings are naturally designed with more importance than other structures. Therefore, it is necessary to know the soil conditions very well during design. High-level information production is needed, especially for designs to be made on unstable soils with high earthquake risk. In this study, which was carried out on a very weak soil, the first 30 m from the surface were used with the Multi-Channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) method, while precise Vs values were obtained with the Refraction Microtremor (ReMi) method in the depth range of 30–100 m. The depth value of engineering bedrock (260 m), where Vs reached a velocity value of 760 m/s, was obtained with the Spatial Autocorrelation (SPAC) method. By combining these three data sets, Vs velocity change was modelled up to a depth of 550 m. The PS logging measurement was made in the 200 m deep well, which could be opened with difficulty, and compared with the 1-dimensional Vs velocity model, and the changes were plotted on the same graph to see their compatibility with each other. Additionally, the ground dominant vibration period was calculated using the single station microtremor method and was found as 1.4 s.