Yayınlar & Eserler

Hakemli Kongre / Sempozyum Bildiri Kitaplarında Yer Alan Yayınlar

Relationship between Deflection and Contact Area of Drive Tire

International Conference on Advanced research in Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, Neurorehabilitation, Materials Engineering, Renewable Energy, Bioenergy and Human Motricities, Köstence, Romanya, 26 - 29 Haziran 2015

Charpy Impact Resistances of Carbon Nanotubes Reinforced High Density Polyethylene Nanocomposite Materials

International Conference on Advanced research in Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, Neurorehabilitation, Materials Engineering, Renewable Energy, Bioenergy and Human Motricities, Köstence, Romanya, 26 - 29 Haziran 2015

Effects of Material and Cold Air Temperature Conditions on Safflower Biodiesel Viscosity and Evaluation with Anova Taguchi

International Conference on Advanced research in Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing Systems, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, Neurorehabilitation, Materials Engineering, Renewable Energy, Bioenergy and Human Motricities, Köstence, Romanya, 26 - 29 Haziran 2015

Notch impact resistances of carbon nanotubes reinforced highdensity polyethylene nanocomposite materials

Modeling & Design of Molecular Materials 2014, Kudowa-Zdrój, Polonya, 29 Haziran - 03 Temmuz 2014

Investigation of Mechanical Properties of Carbon Nanotubes High Density Polyethylene Composites Produced by Extrusion Method

Second Annual International Conference on Industrial, Systems and Design Engineering&Annual International Conference on Technology and Engineering, Atina, Yunanistan, 23 - 26 Haziran 2014

HAVACILIKTA TEMEL UÇAK BAKIM KONULARI - Kavramsal ve Sistemsel Yaklaşımlar

HAVACILIKTA TEMEL UÇAK BAKIM KONULARI - Kavramsal ve Sistemsel Yaklaşımlar, Doç. Dr. Levent Yiğittepe,Dr. Öğr. Üyesi Mustafa Taşyürek, Editör, Nobel Yayın Dağıtım, Ankara, ss.171-209, 2021
