General Information

Institutional Information: Fen Fakültesi, Moleküler Biyoloji Ve Genetik Bölümü, Moküler Biyoloji Ve Genetik
WoS Research Areas: Clinical Medicine, Biology & Biochemistry, Molecular Biology & Genetics, Chemistry Multidisciplinary, Chemistry Medicinal
Avesis Research Areas: Molecular Biology and Genetics, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Fundamental Medical Sciences, Biochemistry



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Thesis Advisory


Open Access

UN Sustainable Development Goals

   Prof. Dr. AKKAYA was born on 10.11.1978 in Antwerpen, Belgium. She studied primary school in Antwerpen. She later returned to Turkey with hers family and continued hers education in Sivas. She was accepted to Hacettepe (100% English) Chemistry Department in 1997 and graduated in 2002. She completed hers master's degree and doctorate between 2003-2009. She completed hers master's and doctoral programs under the joint Biochemistry program and supervision of Hacettepe University (Prof. Dr. Adil Denizli) and Sivas Cumhuriyet University (Prof. Dr. Ferda Candan).

Prof. Akkaya, started hers academic career as a Research Assistant in the Department of Biochemistry in 2002. Dr. Akkaya has been continuing hers academic studies as a Lecturer (Prof. Dr.) at Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Science, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics since 2010. Between 2016 and 2017, She conducted post-doc research at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland/Ohio, USA, with a TÜBİTAK scholarship. She was deemed worthy of the International Award (Federation Of American Societies For Experimental Biology -The 2017 BioArt Winners) for hers work here. She works as an independent expert in the National Agency of the European Union. She worked as a manager and researcher in around 30 projects, mainly supported by the European Union, TÜBİTAK and the University. There are a total of 11 book studies, including 5 books and 6 book chapters. She has approximately 80 international and national articles. Birnur AKKAYA works as an editor and referee in various scientific and professional journals. She received a patent from the Turkish Trademark and Patent Office for the molecule she synthesized to prevent cancer-type diseases.

Prof. Dr. AKKAYA works voluntarily and gives seminars in many foundations and associations within the scope of social responsibility. On March 8, International Women's Day, she received an award certificate and attended the conference within the scope of "Difference-Making Women of Sivas" organized by Sivas Governorship. She gave a conference in partnership with Kadem Sivas branch and Sivas Science and Technology University. She works as a popular science columnist on the website Academic Reason ( She is also the founding president of the Association of Women in Science and is still the chairman of the board. English and Dutch are among the languages she uses at an advanced level. She is married and the mother of three sons. Study topics are summarized below.

Biochemistry: Cancer, Locking the release process of Cancer Cells, Removal of Toxic Substances (bilirubin, pathogenic antibodies, metal ions such as cholesterol, iron and cadmium) from Blood - Organ Systems, Interactions of enzymes and proteins with polymeric surfaces, Preparation of polymer-based biospecific sorbents, Enzyme and protein purification (Bioaffinity chromatography, hydrophobic chromatography, membrane affinity chromatography, immobilized metal chelate affinity chromatography)

Biomaterials: Production of polymeric biomaterials, characterization of surface and bulk structures, modifications by chemical and biological methods.

Controlled Drug Release Technology: Controlled anti-cancer drug release from polymeric matrices, Mathematical models in controlled release systems.

Environmental Technology: Toxicity limits in industrial wastewater, removal of heavy metals from wastewater through polymeric particle adsorption and mathematical modeling, environmental management systems.

Membrane Technology: Preparation of porous membranes, enzyme immobilization, use of membranes in the removal of heavy metals from environmental waters.

Polymer Technologies: Production of polymers with different shapes and geometries and applications of these polymers in medicine and biology.

Tissue engineering: Plasma polymerization, immobilization of metastasized cells on chemically and biologically modified polymeric composite surfaces.
