Evren GÖLGE (Ph.D. & MBA) graduated from Food Engineering Department of Middle East Technical University (Ankara) in 2000. He attended Master of Business Administration programme at Başkent University (Ankara) and completed in 2003. He earned his Ph.D. degree with the dissertation namely "STUDY OF REMOVAL OF HEAVY METALS FROM AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS BY UTILIZING HAZELNUT SHELL IN MODEL SYSTEMS" in the field of food quality control from Aegean University (İzmir) in 2012. He had worked at Food Engineering Department of Sivas Cumhuriyet University till 2021. He is currently working as assistant professor at Nanotechnology Engineering Department. Administratively, he has undertaken Vice Dean of Engineering Faculty position between 2016-2020 and Vice Chair of Food and Nanotechnology Engineering Departments.
He has been lecturing on the topics i.e. Nanomaterials, Fluid and Mass Transfer, Thermodynamics, Food Chemistry, Instrumental Food Analyses, Engineering Economics. He has published 9 papers in SCI journals, 7 papers in the national peer-reviewed journals and co-authored 2 books on food safety practices and level of awareness of food safety among dairy farmers and in milk collection centers. His research interests focused on food science, quality control systems and food safety, non-thermal processing of food, detection of food contaminants, utilization of low cost adsorbents in food industry. He is married and has one daughter. He is currently on sabbatical leave at University of Chemistry and Technology University in Prague (VSCHT) under the scholarship of YÖK AKAP programme.
- E-posta
- egolge@cumhuriyet.edu.tr
- Web Sayfası
- https://avesis.cumhuriyet.edu.tr/egolge